Board of Directors


David Barstow David Barstow
David Barstow is a business consultant focusing on the use of Information Technology. A 2006 interview with Bono stimulated him to make a personal commitment to fight the AIDS pandemic. Recognizing that local pastors are a key part of the solution, he has dedicated himself to helping them fight the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS. He visits Africa several times a year to further the EMPACT Africa initiative.
Karen Farabee Karen Farabee
Karen Farabee is a Human Resources consultant, community volunteer and mother to her active teen daughter. In addition to her 25 years of experience in HR, Karen has served as a volunteer or in leadership positions with several local charitable organizations, including Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, Austin Children’s Shelter, Austin Theatre for Youth, Foundation for the Homeless, and most recently The Cipher Project, a group designed to empower some of Austin’s at-risk teens through music.
Peter Hayes Peter Hayes
Pete Hayes is a CMO at Chief Outsiders, LLC and has held top executive marketing positions at large and small technology firms and agencies. A long time supporter of children around the world, Pete serves on the Advisory Board of Wonders & Worries and has sponsored a dozen children in Africa over the years. Pete is also a contemporary worship leader and songwriter presently serving Dripping Springs Presbyterian Church in the Texas Hill Country.

Susan Kelly
Susan Kelly
Susan Kelly is a community volunteer who works primarily in publicity and event planning. She spent 21 years in broadcast journalism and corporate communications, providing video and print materials to companies, large and small. Susan enjoys working with children and volunteered for five years mentoring children in foster care as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for Travis County. She is currently on the board of the Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation and the Westlake Hyline Parents Association and serves EMPACT Africa as a communications specialist.

Christine Lambden Christine Lambden
In 25 years as a business and technology consultant, author and speaker, Christine Lambden has traveled all over the world. Today, she is active in the Austin technology community and serves as an advisor to both private corporations and government agencies She was drawn to EMPACT Africa by the power of the stories being told by the people in Africa, and hopes to use technology to spread those stories further.
Joyce Statz Joyce Statz
Joyce Statz is a teacher and business consultant in project management and software development, now using those skills to serve several Austin-area non-profit organizations as well. She has had an abiding interest in minimizing the stigma of AIDS since the early 1990s, when a family member in rural Minnesota was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Like many African nations, rural Minnesota then reacted very negatively and needed help dealing with the social impact of the disease. Joyce serves the board with grant writing and guidance on workshop development.

Karen Turnquest Karen Turnquest
Karen Turnquest is a business management consultant specializing in strategic deployment, organizational development and business process optimization. She is currently the National Business Development Representative for World Class Coaches. Karen enjoys speaking to a variety of audiences and helping individuals and organizations position themselves to maintain consistent performance through all types of external conditions. Karen is active in the community and serves as a board member and an advisor to for-profit, non-profit and educational organizations in the Austin area. She is active in her local church and is excited about the great work Empact Africa is doing to equip pastors in Africa in a way that will enable them to create passionate environments where the stigma and spread of AIDS can be fought. She serves Empact Africa as an organizational strategist.

Wally Warrenburg Wally Warrenburg

(bio pending)
Ginger Zanetti Ginger Zanetti

Ginger Zanetti works in residential real estate sales and consulting. Upon moving to Austin in 2000, she served 4 .5 years as the Director of Administration and Finance for a nonprofit grassroots organization assisting underprivileged adults. In addition to volunteering with EMPACT Africa, Ginger serves as a real estate consultant to Austin Habitat for Humanity and volunteers in various community endeavors including Coats for Kids for the Junior League of Austin. Additionally, she assists with the Fair Trade committee at St. Austin’s Parish and serves as a volunteer advisor with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Austin Affiliate. After taking a Perspectives course in 2008, she felt a calling to work in Africa and went on her first mission trip to Swaziland in 2010 with Atlanta-based Heart for Africa. Seeking an Austin-based organization to serve and affect real change in Africa, Ginger began volunteering with EMPACT Africa in 2011 after discovering the organization at one of their fundraising benefits. She assists with the fiscal and program management of the organization.

Tami Schroeder Leslie Barron Schroeder (Tami)

Tami Schroeder has worked in Human Resources serving in a leadership capacity for a variety of companies over the past 28 years, most recently as the Vice President of Human Resources for Texas Mutual Insurance Company where she was employed for 10 years. Her role included regular interaction with the Board of Directors and facilitation of leadership and high-performing teams. Her professional background encompasses a variety of industries including: Financial Services, Insurance, High Tech/Software Development and Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Public Service, Higher Education, and Retail. She is SPHR certification, has a certification in Development Dimension International Training modules, certified to facilitate The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, certified in the use of Lominger competency tools, and is a certified mediator. She has a Bachelors Degree in Advertising and Communications and a Degree in Spanish from Florida State University.

Ron Ragsdale

(new Board member - photo and bio pending)