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Local pastors can win the fight against the stigma of AIDS!

Multiply the impact of your donation Working with local pastors in sub-Saharan Africa gives tremendous leverage in the fight against the stigma of AIDS. That's why EMPACT Africa has already made a real difference in tens of thousands of lives in Zambia through our work with the Reformed Church in Zambia. You can help make the difference in many more lives as we move ahead with other denominations and in other countries!

  • A $300 donation trains one local church leader in sub-Saharan Africa to fight the stigma associated with AIDS
  • A $100 donation provides emotional support and guidance for positive living to 10 AIDS victims
  • A $25 donation will enable 10 church members to hear at least three sermons about Christian compassion for AIDS victims
  • If you want to make a difference in the fight against AIDS, here's your opportunity!


    Your donations are tax deductible.


    Make checks payable to:

    EMPACT Africa


    Mail to:

    EMPACT Africa
    PO Box 164333
    Austin, TX 78716

    Or donate online: